
Angelina Jolie Talks About Zahara

American actress Angelina Jolie was seriously worried about the life and health of her adoptive daughter, Zahara.  At one point, the worrying even made Jolie sick.

The star talked openly to IMDB about how she adopted the Ethiopian girl.

Jolie explained, "She was six months and not nine pounds. Her skin, you could squeeze it, it stuck together… It was terrifying. Some children who were in a very similar situation to her passed away."

Now, the baby girl is doing much better.  Jolie continued, "She’s gained six pounds. We’re calling her chubby – she’s just a totally different baby. It’s amazing what difference food and little bit of care makes."

The star is also the mother of an adopted son, Maddox, who also loves the new addition to their family.  "They’re the greatest little people that I’ve ever met. They give me so much joy and I wanna make a better world for them. I’m just grateful every day that I have the chance."