
Angelina Jolie to star in Bosnian war romance

Jolie announces that she’ll star in a love story set against the backldrop of the Bosnian war.

Angelina Jolie detailed her next film project while dropping in on Sarajevo last weekend. 
The actress made a surprise visit to Sarajevo on Friday to meet with members of the ethnic presidency to discuss ways to help war refugees in their country, reports The Hollywood Reporter.
Jolie also seized the opportunity to announce that she’ll be shooing a film this fall that follows a couple who met just before the Bosnian war (1992-1995). The movie will explain how this conflict affects their relationship,
Jolie added that the film is meant to tell a love story and not be a political statement.
Salt, Jolie’s latest action vehicle, was a tremendous box-office success this summer.  She’ll be back on the big screen alongside Johnny Depp in The Tourist, which opens December 10.