
Angelina Jolie’s Model Mother

Angelina Jolie is trying to put her children above her many other projects.

Jolie will always put her children above her wish to save the world by fighting for humanitarian causes, because she knows that is what her late mother would have wanted.

The actress admits that her memories of her own childhood make her stop and put her four children ahead of other projects.

According to FemaleFirst, Jolie said of her mother, "She would spend months trying to just work out my birthday parties. She would spend a full day trying to compose the nicest letter to thank somebody for something they did."

Jolie added, "Sometimes, when I want to take on the world, I try to remember that it’s just as important to sit down and ask my son how he’s feeling or talk to him about life."

Jolie also talked about holidays, saying, "I never really focused on holidays… but I remember every little Easter basket she ever made me.This year I suddenly feel I’ve got to do all that, and I’ve got to do it with a bit of thought and a lot of time."