
Animal and alcohol-free make-up

A range of animal and alcohol-free make-up launches in the UK.

According to Mail Online, animal and alcohol-free make-up that meets the demand for halal cosmetics has appeared on the market in England.

Halal meat for Muslims has been available for years in Great Britain. Now businesswoman Samina Akhter takes the concept even further by offering a range of halal make-up called Samina Pure Make-up.

The cosmetics, which include everything from lipstick to eyeliner to blush, are developed in strict accordance with Islamic law using extracts from plants and minerals rather than alcohol and animal products.

Akhter runs the company from her home in Birmingham. She began importing the makeup from Australia six months ago and now has over 500 customers and lots of interest from the United States and Indonesia.

The cosmetics are shipped from Australia and certified by independent Halal Certification Authority Australia.

Prices for these beauty products range from between $13 and just over $100 CDN.

For more information, visit the company website at