
Another Advantage for a Mediterranean Diet

In addition to reducing the risk of heart attacks, a Mediterranean diet can help lower your chances of developing Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimers.

Dr. Francesco Sofi and his team at the University of Florence studied a group of people who lived exclusively on a Mediterranean diet, and found that they were less likely to suffer from a degenerative disease, such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimers.

Dr. Sofi and his team of researchers studied the eating habits of more than 1.5 million participants.  They observed that the mortality rate for cardiovascular disease dropped 9% for those people who strictly adhered to the Mediterranean diet.  The risks for Parkinson’s and Alzheimers also were reduced drastically.

Comprised of mainly olive oil, fish, red wine, and an abundance of fruits and vegetables, the Mediterranean diet has already been shown to reduce cardiovascular problems.