
Antioxidants improve sperm health

Study finds foods high in antioxidants can increase sperm strength.

Men who are hoping to conceive should be sure to eat foods high in vitamin E and beta-carotene, two antioxidants which can boost the strength and health of sperm, according to a new study published in the journal Ecology Letters.

Researchers at the University of Western Australia worked with crickets to determine the effects of antioxidants on male ejaculate. They found that male crickets that were fed a diet rich in antioxidants tended to have more effective sperm than the control group.

"Our study showed that the sperm of males who were fed antioxidants were easily able to outclass the sperm of rival males who were deprived of antioxidants," explained study author Leigh Simmons.

Sperm are known to be extremely sensitive to free radicals: waste products produced by the body as it breaks down food into energy. Vitamin E – found in foods like almonds, soybean oil, and broccoli – and beta-carotene – found in orange-colored fruits and vegetables including pumpkin, cantaloupe and mango – can help to protect the body against these free radicals.


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