
Antioxidants Increase Endurance

Antioxidants may increase endurance during physical exercise.

A study conducted on healthy college students suggest that antioxidants increase endurance.

In this study, published in The International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metobolism, 12 students received Quercetin supplements for seven days. This was found to increase their physical endurance compared to the same period of seven days without supplements.

The study found that oxygen levels increased by 4% and participants could exercise 13% longer before they began to feel tired.

Quercetin is a component abundant in red apples, red onions, broccoli, cabbage, as well as green and black tea. Persumably, Quercetin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which is beneficial to cells in the body.

If further research shows that antioxidants increase endurance, supplements could be very beneficial for sports and athletes.