
Arcade Fire dominate

The Canadian indie rockers from Montreal rule the top of the charts.

Arcade Fire is on a roll. The Montreal indie rockers are taking the world by storm after the release of their third studio effort, The Suburbs. It debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 album chart. Clash Music reports it is the "the biggest indie release of the year so far."

The Suburbs sold an impressive 156,000 copies in the first week after its release. This album finally managed to knock Eminem’s Recovery out of the top spot. Recovery sold 152,000 copies.

97,000 of Arcade Fire’s 156,000 sales were digital. The Suburbs was on sale for only $3.99 at Amazon MP3 last week and only costs $7.99 this week.

Arcade Fire is presently on tour in the United States. Their tour opener and labelmate Spoon sent a message to fans via Twitter saying: "Let the record reflect that Merge Records is the NUMBER ONE LABEL IN THE USA! Here’s to Arcade Fire and Merge: #1 — 156k copies sold."