
Arcade Fire made record for mothers

Arcade Fire wanted ‘Reflektor’ to be have a wide appeal, with the band’s Regine Chassagne saying she wanted to make it the kind of music her mother would dance to.

Arcade Fire wanted ‘Reflektor’ to be a record their mothers can dance to.

The ‘Ready to Start’ band’s new album was heavily inspired by Haiti – where band member Regine Chassagne has roots – and she wanted it to have plenty of the country’s rhythms, so it would appeal to a different audience to the indie rock crowd they are used to.

She told NPR radio: ”I’m kind of stuck a little bit in both worlds, so I would like to make something that, basically, my mom could dance to.

”She wouldn’t dance to a New Order song, but she would dance to the Haitian beat. I want to kind of do something that everybody can lock into.”

The band went to visit Haiti – which is still recovering from a devastating earthquake in 2010 – and the band’s Win Butler was pleased to meet a completely different audience there who hadn’t heard of western pop music.

He said: ”There’s people coming from the mountains to watch us play who’ve never heard The Beatles before.

”You realise, stripped of that context, what you’re left with is rhythm and emotion and melody; it kind of gets back to these really of basic building blocks of music.

”So we kind of wanted to start from there and try and make something out of it.”

‘Reflektor’ is out now.