
Arcade Fire Moved by Haiti Catastrophe

Like many around the world, the members of the band Arcade Fire have been touched by the tragic event in Haiti, and are asking people to do their part.

The Canadian band is encouraging their fans to make donations to charity organisations who are coming to the aid of the victims of the country’s recent earthquake.
Haiti, one of the most impoverished countries in the Caribbean, was shook on Tuesday (January 12) by an earthquake that measured 7.0 on the Richter Scale.  The country was devastated by the quake, and several lives have been lost.  Humanitarian organisations have been mobilised to help the survivors.
Arcade Fire, who are currently working on their third album, expressed their sadness over the news.  Win Butler and Regine Chassagne released a message to their fans, asking them to make donations to Partners In Health, a charity group operating in Haiti. "Friends, Haiti needs your help in her darkest hour. We just got off the phone with our friends at Partners In Health. Most of the medical infrastructure in Port-au-Prince is down. Since Partners In Health’s clinics are situated in the surrounding areas and haven’t been damaged, they are mobilising their resources towards the capital, setting-up field hospitals to treat the injured on the ground," wrote the musicians.
Arcade Fire also has direct ties to the country, as Chassagne’s family members are natives of Haiti.