
Are cocoa flavonols the miracle cure for cardiovascular illness?

Eating cocoa every day could prevent fatal cardiovascular events.

New data published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology concerns the benefits of flavanols contained in cocoa.
The study concluded that nutrients in cocoa flavanols may prevent and cure cardiovascular disease. These nutrients multiply by two and even more angiogenic cells that circulate in the blood. Angiogenic cells have the ability to repair blood vessels and maintain them.

Blood vessels that are in poor condition usually mean the presence of cardiovascular disease. 

The new study recruited participants and separated them into two groups. The first group consumed a glass of cocoa high in flavanols twice a day for 30 days. The second group consumed a chocolate drink that was low in flavanols during the same period.
Researchers found that daily consumption of flavanol-rich cocoa significantly lowered systolic blood pressure, a factor of heart disease and cerebrovascular accidents (CVA). In addition, this improved blood vessel function by 47%.