
Are Microwaves Stealing Our Nutrients?

Recent articles have been popping up suggesting that microwave use can steal the nutritional value of our food.


The microwave has been under attack, and its existence can be linked to the increase in overweight and obese people all over the world. Additionally, it’s a known fact that zapping your dish sponge in the microwave for two minutes can kill living germs, bacteria and even E.coli. But if it can kill germs in your sponge, what does it kill in your foods?

The Journal of the Science and Food and Agriculture stated last year, “The simplest cooking method (microwave) was also the worst when it came to preserving nutrients.”
However, not everyone agrees. Dr. John McDougall, M.D. says that any form of cooking depletes foods of nutrients, and maintains that the best way to get the most from what you eat is to eat it raw.