
Ash from the Eyjafjöll volcano is harmless

The WHO says ash from the Icelandic volcano does not pose a health risk to people in Europe.

The World Health Organization or WHO is changing its tune this week. It recommended last week that Europeans stay indoors if ash from the Icelandic volcano  Eyjafjöll began to land. It claimed the ash was dangerous, especially for people with respiratory problems.

Now the WHO says the ash floating high in the atmosphere across European skies does not pose a health threat. However, Icelanders living near the volcano should wear a face mask and  goggles to protect themselves if they venture outside.

Carlos Dora of the WHO’s public health and environment division reports: "There are no effects on health at the moment, except in the vicinity of the volcano in Iceland."

The most dangerous ash particles are the smallest ones because they can get deeper into the lungs.

For now, the ash cloud is dispersing over Europe and is a low pressure weather system is expected to move the cloud towards the Arctic.

Experts say that the volcano will have very little effect on the environment, unless it gets worse. For their part, Icelanders are worried that the nearby Katla volcano will also erupt. If that happens, there will be more dire consequences for Europe.