
Ashlee Simpson Is Engaged

Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz are engaged.

The singer of Fall Out Boy proposed to Simpson following his performance at the Live Earth concert in New Jersey on July 7.  Simpson accepted the proposal without hesitation.

According to FemaleFirst, a source said, "Ashlee wasn’t expecting it at all, it was a total surprise. Pete whipped out a big engagement ring, dropped down on one knee, and asked Ashlee to be his bride. Ashlee said yes right away."

The two stars have been trying to keep their plans a secret.  The source added, "Ashlee and Pete are desperate to keep the engagement quiet for as long as they can so they can make wedding plans in peace. She definitely doesn’t want a big circus wedding like Jessica had when she married Nick. All she wants is a simple ceremony with her family, his family, and a handful of people."

A representative for Simpson has denied the story.