
Ashton Kutcher’s Nightmare

Actor Ashton Kutcher is a bit afraid of water.

According to Britain’s Sunday Express, Kutcher doesn’t like water, although he had to spend a lot of time in water for his latest film, The Guardian.  The 28 year-old star admits that he doesn’t like water so much that he doesn’t even like taking a bath.

The star explained, "I don’t like water and being in it. As a kid growing up I learned to swim but it wasn’t real swimming."

Kutcher is married to actress Demi Moore, 44.  While filming The Guardian, the actor had to spend nearly nine hours each day in water.  He reports that the experience was the worst of his life.

The actor, who also starred in the film The Butterfly Effect, among others, added, "You get unbelievably cold and it’s the hardest thing I’ve done. When I started swimming in the ocean, I was throwing up constantly but I made myself keep going."

Kutcher is convinced that the experience, however, will serve him well throughout his life.