
Aspirin not effective to maintain a healthy heart

Aspirin does not reduce risk of heart attack.

A new study out of British Columbia and being reported in the B.C. Medical Journal calls an old belief into question.

Doctors have long recommended their elderly and middle-aged patients take an aspirin every day as a preventative measure. They believed it would help reduce the risk of a heart attack, especially for diabetics.

The new study found that the effect is minimal and is nearly cancelled out by the increased risk of ulcers and gastro-intestinal bleeding that can occur through taking aspirin regularly.

In fact, the risk of an initial heart attack, stroke or death from vascular disease is reduced by 0.06% per year with aspirin. For those with a history of heart attack, the risk of having another is reduced by 20%.

In addition, men derive more benefits from aspirin and it is unclear why.

The best way to maintain a healthy heart and reduce blood pressure is to avoid smoking, eating well and exercising.