
At home with KISS

The legendary group wants to come home with you after the show.

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Or that an old band can’t be innovative? KISS has been around for more than 35 years and still has its finger on the pulse of its fans. The band’s marketing savvy is definitely ones of its strengths.

The group is presently in Europe on its Sonic Boom Over Europe tour. Fans can go directly to a merchandise booth after the show and buy a USB key that holds the freshly downloaded concert ready to take home.

Fans can also pre-order the concert and reserve a USB key or even download the show from

The band also offers a Collector’s Gold Edition USB key for those who want more than one concert. It allows fans to download several performances on the same key.

KISS talks about their new tour on their website.
Paul Stanley says, "The KISS Alive 35 Tour was just the start. Sonic Boom Over Europe leaves that show in the dust. New stage, new setlist, new outfits, new album! We’re covering the whole musical history of the band on a stage that takes KISS one giant step further in our eight inch heels. We’re stoked. You wanted the best? You GOT the best!"

For his part, Gene Simmons says, "Now. More than ever. KISS is a four wheel drive monster truck. Our mission? To rock Planet Earth. To spread the gospel of Sonic Boom."