
Rumours of a U2 Benefit Concert

CARDIFF’s MILLENNIUM STADIUM could be hosting a huge concert on January 22 to raise over £1million for the Asian tsunami disaster appeal. 

London reports speculate that many well known artists from Britain will be involved in this event.

Stadium manager Paul Sergeant said: "It’s going to be tight. The pitch comes back into the stadium on the 24th (January). We won’t be able to stage anything after that until the summer."

According to BBC News, he stated, "We would like to do something to help the disaster effort because we have got in Wales the biggest indoor venue in Europe. The public response to the disaster has been incredible and we would very much like to put our weight behind those efforts and raise another £1m or more."


U2 Sings Again with Pavarotti

This is the third time this four man band will be collaborating with the Italian opera singer.

In 1996, they united and called themselves Passengers, to record the song Miss Sarajevo.

They once again came together in 2003 to do the song Ave Maria for the concert Pavarotti and Friends, performed in Italy that same year.

According to Digitalspy, for this newest collaboration, U2 and Pavarotti, will re-do Ave Maria on the B-side of their next release Sometimes You Can’t Make it On Your Own.

In addition to this song, there will be a remix of U2’s song Vertigo, directed by Trent Reznor.


Seal and Klum engaged

Acording to her web site, Seal and Klum got engaged during a vacation in Whistler, Canada.

Seal, 41 and Klum, 31 years old, celebrated their engagement with a few friends.

This supermodel was seen wearing a large diamond.

Last month Klum told the American Today show, "I have the best partner on the planet you could have."

This couple started dating last year shortly after the supermodel and F1 Flavio Briatore separated.  Briatore and Klum have an eight month old girl, Leni.


Britney Spears Working on a New Album

Although she was supposedly taking at least two years off, a spokesperson for 23 year old Britney Spear’s record company, Jive Records, confirmed to MTV that the singer would be starting work on her upcoming CD.

According to MTV, the album may be titled The Original Doll.  The singer sang one of her songs (Mona Lisa) while stopping at a radio station in Los Angeles last week.

She told the station: "It definitely has the raw thing going on it. I recorded this song when I was on tour, right before I hurt my knee.

She added, "It was done, I think, four or five months ago. My band, we didn’t use ProTools or anything with it. It’s all live."


Shrek 2 is Atop Box Office 2004

Shrek 2 of DreamWorks Studios has brought in 896.5 million dollars in the last year.

Shrek 2 has beaten the last adventure film of the famous sorcerer Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban which made 798.8 million dollars.

Another follow-up film Spiderman 2, came in third place with 784 million dollars.  Following this was The Passion of Christ, Director Mel Gibson, (661.3 million), and The Day After Tomorrow (542.5 million). 

The success and profits of Shrek 2 are far from over.  According to Dreamworks Animation, more than 37 million copies of the film on DVD have been sold since they were released in November.


Gwen Stefani refuses to work on Sundays

This relationship between Stefani, singer of group No Doubt, and Rossdale, singer of group Bush was rocky over the last few months.

Rumours of a shaky relationship started after it was proven that Rossdale is the father of a 15 year old.

Following these events, Stefani insists on spending at least one day per week at home with her husband.

She explains, "I always dreamed of being the perfect wife and mother and I’m trying to get there."

"Sometimes I say no to things because I just have to be at home with Gavin on a Sunday. He’s an amazing cook and I love to eat, so I scored there."


Remake of We Are the World

Almost 70 celebrities from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong united to record the newest version of We Are the World in Mandarin and Cantonese.

On the Amercian front, producer Jermaine Dupri, nominated for four Grammy Awards this year, told MTV that he would like to do another recording of this song following the ceremony on February 13, 2005.

As a way of commemorating the 20th anniversary of this song, Dupri would like to have it recorded by current singers, and call it We Are the Future.  Money collected will be distributed to children in difficulty around the world.

In 1985, the organization USA for Africa, with singers such as Michael Jackson, Lionel Ritchie and Bruce Springsteen among others, had gathered millions of dollars to help those starving in Ethiopia.


Sandra Bullock gives a million to victims in Asia

Leading actress in Miss Congeniality and While You Were Sleeping, contacted the American Red Cross last week.

It is not the first time that Bullock demonstrates this type of generosity.  After the September 11, 2001, disaster in New York, Sandra Bullock gave an equal amount to the victims of this tragedy.

"At this critical time, I am grateful to Sandra Bullock for once again demonstrating her leadership, compassion and belief in our global humanitarian mission," said American Red Cross President and Chief Executive Officer Marsha Evans in a statement. "Sandra continues to enable our lifesaving work and is a model for personal generosity."

Sandra Bullock is currently filming Miss Congeniality 2.