
Montreal’s public markets celebrate the Folies d’Automne!

If you were looking for an activity to occupy your Saturday, look no further, we have found a unique activity!

Indeed, the Folies d’Automne event, presented by the Montreal Public Markets, will take place at the Jean-Talon Market from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Several activities will be offered to celebrate the fall season. There will be a rally, a pumpkin decorating workshop and a Vegetable Follies!

In addition to participating in a super fun activity, you can fill up on fresh and tasty food!

You can kill two birds with one stone!

Baby & Co. Lifestyle Parents TPL Moms

Tips and tricks for family cleaning!

Whew! Family cleaning! Let’s just say it’s not the kids’ favorite family activity, but it’s necessary from time to time!

Depending on the age of your children, they can participate and help at their own level. There are many tips to encourage them to clean up in a fun way, here are a few!

The little ones

Ekaterina Bolovtsova via Pexels

Young children love to imitate their parents. Often, your child will want to clean with you! From 2-3 years old, the child can put away toys with or without help. It is important to give plenty of praise to the child who puts things away. All children (even adults!) seek positive attention. If the child gets it while putting things away, he will want to do it again! You can also turn tidying up time into a game. For example, you could tidy up with tongs (you’ll work on fine motor skills too). You could also have a tidy-up race! The first one to finish wins a prize!

Also, to help the little ones sweep up, you could glue coloured sticky paper on the floor in the shape of a square. This way, the child will have to bring the dust in the square. It’s fun and much easier!

Bigger kids

Anete Lusina via Pexels

No matter how old your kids are, a visual schedule can help.

Make a little chart for yourself as a family that shows everyone’s tasks with beautiful pictograms as well as the time frame for completing those tasks.

This will make everyone’s expectations clear.

In addition, you could determine together rules regarding household chores and consequences for not following the rules. So sit down as a family and talk about it!

Young people who feel involved in setting the family routine are more likely to participate. And, even with teenagers, it’s possible to turn housework into a game!

Turn on the speakers and dance!

Let’s get it on!


Eaton Centre hosts a shopping spree with Quebec’s most popular drag queens this Thursday

Come meet Gisele Lullaby, Adriana, Lady BOom BoOm, Suki Doll, Miss Fiercalicious and Barbada from Barbados!

Mark your calendars for Thursday, October 6th, because a very festive event will take place at the Eaton Centre in Montreal! Six of the most popular drag queens in the province will be present to offer a whole evening to the people who will pass by the Eaton Centre.

Starting at 4pm, between the Uniqlo and Sephora stores, it will be possible to meet the following drag queens: Gisèle Lullaby, Adriana, Lady BOom BoOm, Suki Doll, Miss Fiercalicious and Barbada de Barbades. Passers-by will be able to take pictures with them while enjoying a shopping experience, entertainment and performances. To make the event even more special, a fortune wheel of discounts, fashion tips and makeup touch-ups will also be offered to passersby.

This will also be the perfect opportunity to discover the [IMPERTINENCE] showcase created and produced by the Fashion + Design Festival. This showcase is located at the 705 Sainte-Catherine Street entrance, at street level. The showcase will impress many and will allow everyone to discover the collaborative work of Louis Tremblay and artist Stéphane Scotto Di Cesare. Passers-by will be able to admire a beautiful arrangement of wigs created for drag queens from the famous show Canada’s Drag Race or wigs used during Cirque du Soleil shows. A total of 28 unique wigs, created by Stéphane Scotto Di Cesare, are on display at the Eaton Centre.

This Thursday’s event is the perfect opportunity to discover this exhibition, but also to enjoy a festive evening filled with surprises. It promises to be quite an evening!

You can find more information here.


Longueuil hosts a digital arts and street food festival this weekend

It promises to be festive!

Are you looking for activities to do this weekend? The city of Longueuil is offering a very festive event! It’s the Lumifest festival which will take place from September 29th to October 1st in the heart of Old Longueuil.

This festival of digital arts and street food is a rendez-vous for families, couples and gangs of friends! The theme chosen for the 2022 edition is the 90’s, and we bet it will play on the nostalgia of many of us!

Among the various activities offered during Lumifest, we find cinematographic experiences, interactive installations, DJ parties, karaoke, musical performances and giant puppets. And to make the most of it, Saint-Charles Street West, where the Lumifest takes place, will be pedestrianized between Saint-Sylvestre and Saint-Jacques streets. You can leave your car at home since many bus lines will be free to get to the site thanks to a partnership with the Réseau de transport de Longueuil (RTL). You can visit the RTL website for more information.

In order to help participants find their way around the various activities, Lumifest has joined the FEST application, which includes several other Quebec festivals. Via this application, it will be possible to consult the site map, discover the artists present and obtain all the information related to the event.

Ultra festive evenings will be offered to participants thanks to the collaboration of DJs who will ignite the outdoor dance floor of the Dancefloor Desjardins. Themes are proposed for each evening: Guitar Hero on September 29th, Jump Around on September 30th and Everybody Dance Now on October 1st. It’s a promise! An open-air karaoke will also be organized near St. Mark’s Park where courageous amateur singers will be able to sing along with the spectators. The lyrics of the songs will be projected on a giant screen, so 90’s nostalgics will have fun singing the hits of the era!

There are many other activities on the schedule, and it’s going to be very exciting! You don’t want to miss it!

To learn more about the event, click here.


The arrival of my first baby: between anxiety and infinite love

The approach of the birth of my child brings me many conflicting emotions…

I will be welcoming my first child with my partner very soon, and I am filled with a myriad of emotions both sweet and stressful. As I go through the last big right of my pregnancy, I’m at 34 weeks, I feel like I’m more fully aware of all that’s coming and the changes we’re going to experience.

Thanks to the lull in the pandemic, I have been fortunate enough to have access to face-to-face prenatal classes that have been most beneficial. I was able to learn more about the process of childbirth as well as the reality of the postnatal period for parents and baby. It was very reassuring, but it also brought me stress. I realized that I was afraid of not being an adequate parent, afraid that my baby would not be healthy, afraid of not being able to adapt to this new reality, etc. You guessed it, I’m a bit of a natural worrier! If I manage this anxiety well enough in my daily life, the imminent arrival of the baby is upsetting my emotional balance.

We are so bombarded with information, parenting models on social networks, advice from friends and family, etc. that I sometimes feel like we are putting a lot on our shoulders. The famous pressure to be a perfect parent… Yet, parenthood is clearly not a straight and well laid out path, and with each child, the journey is different. In a way, that’s the beauty of being a parent: our child brings us into their world and it’s up to us to find the best ways to accompany them through life.

Chris Anderson via Unsplash

Becoming a mom for the very first time in my life, I will experience nothing but newness. Every experience will be a first! It’s grand, but also awesome. I like to plan for everything in life, but here I am at a point in my life where I can’t plan beyond the utilitarian (getting the baby’s room ready, the hospital bag, etc.) … I can’t know what kind of rhythm my baby will have or how the dynamic of my partner and I will change… and while these upcoming novelties are exciting, they are also scary.

In the end, I think what I’m trying to express is that as much as I’m looking forward to meeting my child, it also comes with fear and stress. I think it’s normal to experience conflicting emotions when approaching a newborn, especially a first child, and while I don’t necessarily have any advice for dealing with the situation, I would say that it’s crucial to welcome yourself without judgment in what you’re feeling. There is no such thing as the perfect parent, and the important thing is to always have the well-being of our children at heart.

Have you experienced conflicting emotions as you approach the birth of your child?


Quebec-based Rose Buddha launches a line of home products

This is great news for the brand!

The Quebec-based company Rose Buddha, well known for its beautiful leggings and eco-friendly clothing, has recently launched a new line of home accessories! All accessories will be made in the same spirit as the clothes, that is to say with an ethical, sustainable and “slow living” inspired vision.

The items offered in Rose Buddha’s home line are made in an “upcycling” mode, which means that they are made from recycled and reclaimed fabrics. Some items are made here and others elsewhere, but always with an ethical vision.

Rose Buddha

Rose Buddha is more than just clothing. It’s a way of seeing life, of taking care of oneself, of slowing down, of living simply and of being at home with those we love“, explains Maxime Morin, the founder of the brand.

All the products in the home line will be offered in small quantities, so get your hands on them quickly if you like an item! The first collection is composed of tablecloths, napkins, dishcloths, pillows and candles. Everything is available now on the Rose Buddha website.

Rose Buddha

The collection will be further enhanced with ceramic objects created by Marie-Ève Dompierre, stationery items and throws.

It’s a great project to follow!


A large ephemeral market of artisans takes place in Montreal this weekend

It’s at Locoshop Angus this Saturday!

If you’re looking for a great event for this weekend, we suggest the Collectif Créatif Montréal’s big ephemeral market that will take place at Locoshop Angus on September 24th and 25th.

This is already the eighth edition of this event that brings together hundreds of artisans. And as a novelty, the market will be held over two weekends for the very first time! So, if you are not available on September 24 and 25, you can still attend on October 1 and 2!

The Collectif Créatif Montréal’s fall market will bring together a hundred artisans under one roof to offer a huge selection of objects and artworks of all kinds to visitors. There will be items for all tastes: clothing, food, decoration, items for babies and children, zero waste items, etc.

The first weekend, more than 90 exhibitors will be present, and for the second weekend, other artisans will take place at Locoshop Angus. So there will be something new for both weekends!

If you’re a fan of buying local and making art, you’ll definitely want to check out the Collectif Créatif Montréal market!

You can find more information about this event here.


Baby: Independent or traditional feeding?

Parents of young babies often wonder about feeding their babies: “How do I do it? How do I start? Pureed or chunky?

Here are some things to think about.

First, let’s define the two types of food diversification. There is the traditional method, which consists of offering purees to the child first. Then there is child-led diversification (CDD). In this method, parents will offer large pieces directly to the child, who will eat like the rest of the family.

Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

At the moment, DME is a very popular method. However, not all parents are comfortable with this method since it can be scary. From our side, we do not believe that one method is better than another. Only two things are important: Is your child fed? Is the meal stress-free for the whole family? That’s it! From there, make your choice based on what is best for you, your child and your family! Every family is unique! For you, it could be a mixed method that combines a little of both methods and that’s fine!

Meruyert Gonullu / Pexels

If you choose DME, the biggest advantage is the simplicity! No need to make several meals, baby will eat like everyone else. However, one disadvantage can be the fear of choking the baby. There are a few things to learn to avoid the risk of choking. For example, the importance of cutting food according to the child’s abilities.

Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

If you opt for traditional or mixed feeding diversification instead, there are also advantages! It can take some of the stress off of you. Besides, you don’t necessarily have to make multiple meals since it’s possible to puree the family meal using a blender.

Lifestyle News

Why do we love going apple picking so much?

The pandemic created a new tradition, that of picking different fruits and vegetables, depending on the season. These activities may seem trivial, but they bring us back to the essential, communion with nature.

Here’s why we’ll keep going, even if the pandemic ends!

Maria Lindsey / Pexels

Because it’s delicious. Indeed, nothing tastes as good as freshly picked fruits and vegetables.

Zen Chun / Pexels

Because our kids learn so much through this activity, where food comes from, respect for nature… and motor skills… the learning in nature is endless!

Grape Things / Pexels

Because it allows us to connect with nature. The fresh air, the landscapes, the plants, all the elements are gathered for a connection with our environment. This moment of connection allows us to live fully in the present moment and forget the sources of stress, the time of a breath.

Hilal Bulbul / Pexels

Because then we can cook as a family!

Cooking is also a wonderful family activity that allows us to strengthen our family ties, learn and have fun! All while creating a bit of a mess, of course!

Zen Chun / Pexels

Because by picking these foods themselves, our kids are motivated to taste and eat them!

It’s magical, we don’t even have to hide the fruits and vegetables in soups!

Will you be going to the pumpkins this fall?


The art of balancing family life, work and leisure!

Last night, I was talking with my grandmother and we were discussing parenting through the ages.

She said to me, “The problem today is that parents want to be happy in addition to being parents! We stopped our hobbies when we became parents, that was the way it was.”

We want to be happy while being parents. We want it all! We want to have our cake and eat it too! We want to be fulfilled in a job that we can relate to. We want to stay healthy by going to the gym regularly and eating healthy food that we have prepared. We want a hobby that will make us feel good. We want to have quality time with our children. We want to keep the flame in our marriage alive through all of this. We want to be happy. We want our children to be happy, our marriage to be strong, our spouse to be happy, we want it all.

Is that a problem?

Our first reaction was to say no.

We have a right to happiness. Of course we have a right to happiness! However, wanting it too much can be problematic at times. Indeed, we want it so much that we never manage to reach our goals. This causes us to experience endless anxiety as well as repetitive failures.

In real life and not on Instagram, is there really a parent who manages to work full time, play a sport every day, always cook meals and snacks, be there every morning and evening with their children to play with them, have a romantic time every week, have a house that is always ultra clean and tidy, etc?

The truth is, no, no one can do it.

Our expectations are too high.

We think we can do what no one before us has been able to do. Even our grandmothers, who were mostly housewives, often had to give up their hobby. Far be it from me to encourage you to go down this road, but for a successful work-life balance, we absolutely must lower our expectations. The dishes might sometimes or often overflow into the kitchen sink. Lego may be lying around. It is up to you to determine your priorities and stick to them. If your priority is sports, you may need to lower your expectations of how tidy the house is. If your priority is cleaning, you may need to work a little less or do some cleaning when you spend time with your children (they often like to help, at least before they reach their teens!)

As a new school year begins, it’s a good time to take stock.

Determine what your priorities are and plan your schedule around those priorities while remaining realistic.

If you have too many priorities and not enough time, you may want to consider getting help and delegating some tasks. You could ask a sibling to take your youngest to dance class.

You could also hire someone to help you with household chores, etc. The goal is simply to level out your expectations of yourself so that you are not constantly failing.

You only have 24 hours in a day, remember that!