
Babies born by Caesarean are calmer

Research shows low levels of stress during birth make for calmer children.

According to a Chinese study, babies born by Caesarean have low levels of stress and make for calmer children, reports the Daily Mail. By the same token, babies born with the help of forceps or a suction cup are more likely to have emotional problems.

The study reinforces findings that high levels of stress hormones produced by delivery techniques may affect child development, particularly problems like anxiety, aggression and attention disorders.

More than 4,000 children from China participated in the study where researchers looked at the link between birthing methods and child behaviour.

Results showed those born through an assisted delivery were 40 per cent more likely to be affected by emotional and behavioural problems, possibly related to high levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Immediately after birth, umbilical cord blood cortisol levels were found to be lowest in babies born by elective caesarean, followed by spontaneous birth. The highest levels are found in assisted deliveries where forceps or a suction cup is used because labour is prolonged and complications may have developed.