
Baby, baby, give me some space

Justin Bieber asks his fans to tone it down a notch if they want him to stick around.

Justin Bieber is a little ticked at his New Zealand fans. Music-News reports excited fans knocked down his mother after his entourage cleared customs in Auckland, New Zealand last night (April 27).

The young Canadian sensation was quickly whisked through the airport terminal in order to get away from the mob of screaming fans. Someone even stole his hat in the melee.

Bieber went on Twitter to ask for calm. He said, "Finally got to New Zealand last night. The airport was crazy. Not happy that someone stole my hat and knocked down my mama. Come on people."

Justin Bieber’s mother, Pattie Mallette, was not injured and went on Twitter herself to say, "Thanks for all ur support!! I’m ok thank you!!! (sic)."

Due to the mayhem, Bieber couldn’t stop to sign autographs or take pictures with fans. His security team didn’t want the crowd to get out of control.

The young singer asked his fans to calm down. He wrote, "I want to be able to sign and take pics and meet my fans, but if you are all pushing security wont let me. let’s keep it safe and have fun. (sic)"

Justin Bieber’s concert in Sydney, Australia had to be cancelled when the crowd got too rowdy and several young girls passed out.