
Baby product taken off shelves

A liquid soap for babies by Northern Essences is contaminated with bacteria.

Helath Canada advises retailers to remove Foaming Baby Wipes Solution from their shelves. It is made by the American company Northern Essences.

It advises consumers to immediately stop using the product and throw it out.

The liquid soap comes in a clear bottle with a white label and has the UPC code 2008100227.

The Health Canada website explains why the agency demanded the recall. It states: "This product is contaminated with Micrococcus species of bacteria. This species of bacteria may cause urinary tract infections, skin infections, or result in more serious complications in people with weakened immune systems. Health Canada became aware of the contamination through its routine sampling and testing program."

Health Canada has not received any complaints yet, but it still strongly recommends consumers discontinue using this product as it may cause these very undesirable problems.

The soap is being sold at select retailers and online stores.