
Barack Obama will get tattoo with daughters

US President Barack Obama and wife Michelle have made a pact to get tattoos to match their daughters’ if they ever want them in the hope it will make them feel body art isn’t ”cool”.

President Barack Obama promised to get matching tattoos with his wife and daughters.

The US Commander-in-chief and his spouse Michelle made the pact in the hope of ”reducing the cool factor” of body art and discouraging Malia, 15, and Sasha, 12, from wanting to follow the trend.

In an interview airing on ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’ today (03.20.14), he said: ”We will reduce the cool factor of any tattoo.

”Michelle and I will be right there and we’ll post it so that everybody will be able to see it and we’ll say we all got matching tattoos.

”I suspect that would be a pretty good deterrent for both Malia and Sasha.”

Earlier this month, Ellen smashed the president’s record for Twitter retweets when a ‘selfie’ she posted of herself and a number of famous guests – including Bradley Cooper, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Meryl Streep and Lupita Nyong’o – at the Oscars became the most shared post on the social networking site, and the politician mocked her for the ”cheap stunt”.

As Ellen – who hosted the Academy Awards – tried to apologize for breaking his record, Mr. Obama said: ”I heard about that. I thought it was a pretty cheap stunt myself. Getting a bunch of celebrities in the background.”

The US leader also confessed to being a big fan of political drama ‘House Of Cards’, though he insists their life is nothing like the way the White House is depicted on screen.

He said: ”You know, I watch ‘House of Cards’… I have to tell you, life in Washington is a little more boring than displayed on the screen

”You know the truth of the matter is, if you followed me, most of my day is sitting in a room listening to a bunch of folks in grey suits talking about a whole bunch of stuff that wouldn’t make very good television.

”I have to tell you though Ellen, there’s not much dancing in the situation room, as a general rule.”