
Bentley Offers Bus to London Hospital

Bentley has become more and more charitable, and the latest example of their genorosity is a bus that has been given to a hospital.

Bentley employees donated 2000 hours of their time, without pay, to adapt a double-decker bus to fit the needs of St. Luke Hospital.

The bus was given to the hospital as both a generous donation, as well as a promotional tool for the brand.  The bus will be traveling to schools and universities to educate students about research at the hospital.

Though the exterior was not altered, the interior has been given the midas touch that is normally reserved for the Bentley GT.  Woodwork, hand-crafted leather upholstery and thick carpets are all representative elements of the excellent craftmanship that Bentley provides.

The high standard set by Bentley and its employees is now a fine example of charity at its best as well.