
Beware of liquid vitamin D for children

Health Canada issues a warning on the dosage of vitamin D liquid for children.

Health Canada and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) remind parents to be careful with the dosage of vitamin D liquid they give to their children. Some of these products contain even greater amounts than what is recommended for babies.

Health Canada recommends that all breastfed, healthy term babies aged 12 months and under receive a daily vitamin D supplement of 400 international units, or 10 micrograms.

The agency also asks parents to only use the dropper that comes with the liquid supplement and ensure that the units of measure are clear and easy to understand.

Baby formula already contains vitamin D. Therefore, if your child is fed entirely or partially with baby formula, consult a pediatrician or another health professional before giving vitamin D.

Vitamin D in excessive amounts can have harmful health effects. Otherwise, it helps build and maintain healthy bones and teeth.