
Beyoncé arrested in New York

Beyoncé Knowles was arrested in New York for a moving violation.

Singer Beyoncé Knowles has been arrested by police in New York because she was writing a text message on her cell phone while she was driving her car, reports Next Liberation.

Beyoncé has only had her driver’s license for a short time, and it seems she has already forgotten some of the rules of the road.

The singer was embarrassed to have been stopped so quickly. She even tried to charm the police, by claiming that she didn’t know texting while driving was against the law.

According to a source, the police officer who arrested the star didn’t recognize her and issued a know and could have issued a 100$ ticket .

Early July, Beyonce has narrowly escaped serious injury when her car door was struck by a taxi in London.
She stopped her Mercedes in front of  Harrods intending to stop in before going to Knightsbridge restaurant when, witnesses say, a taxi rammed the car door, narrowly avoiding Beyoncé herself.