
Beyoncé To Take a Six-Month Breather

Beyoncé will be taking time off to recharge her batteries.

The singer, who gloriously swept 2009 with several Grammy awards, released a DVD of her Las Vegas shows and toured six continents, has decided that she will be taking a break next month after she gives her final concert in Trinidad and Tobago.

In an interview with USA Today, Beyoncé stated, "It’s definitely time to take a break, to recharge my batteries. I’d like to take about six months and not go into the studio. I need to just live life, to be inspired by things again. I’m going to do random things. I want to go to restaurants, maybe take a class and see some movies and Broadway shows."

Despite all her good intentions, it’s going to take some adjustment for the star to actually let herself slow down. "I already have all these melodies and ideas in my head. I have to tell myself, ‘Sit down! Sit down’," said Beyoncé.