
Bieber fever gets too hot

Poor Justin Bieber wishes he had normal fans.

Fame is giving Canadian pop sensation Justin Bieber a headache. He recently addressed fans directly during an interview with Teen Vogue. The singer said: "Just talk to me. Ask me how I’m doing. Introduce yourself instead of yelling, ‘Justin! Justin! Justin! Can I have a picture?’"

He also complained about fans that approach when he is out having a meal. Bieber bemoaned: "And don’t come up to me while I’m eating. How would you like it I came into your house and started taking pictures of you while you were eating? I hate that."

Justin Bieber rose to fame practically overnight and is now a household name the world over. The poor boy can’t even go out shopping without being recognized. He lamented: "It’s still amazing to see people wearing my shirts, but I feel like I can’t get away from myself. Like, I go to Walmart and I just want to go get some boxers and socks, but there are posters of me everywhere. Or my song comes on the radio, and it’s like, ‘Aah!’"

It’s only going to get worse… a 3D movie starring Bieber will be released in February 2011.