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Biking among volcanoes in France

Cantal in volcanic Auvergne region offers 108 km of bike trails.

For the adventurous traveler wanting to explore at his own pace, Cantal, France offers a 108 kilometer-network of bike trails throughout the Parc Regional des Volcans d’Auvergne (Auvergne Volcanoes regional park).

The paths, maintained by the Cantal tourism board, run between the Dordogne River and Puy Mary — the remnants of an ancient volcano with some of the most panoramic views in the region.

The ride isn’t too intense, allowing three to four days to cover the 108 km journey, but it’s only recommended for individuals or families who have mountain-biking experience.

‘Bienvenue à la ferme’ (Welcome to the Farm), a nationwide network of family-run farms, offers overnight accommodations at the end of each day’s ride. Visitors can spend the evening learning about life on a working farm, and then take some fresh produce with them the next morning. Participating farms can be identified by the program’s yellow flower logo.