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Blake Lively wore two weeks’ of outfits in two days

Blake Lively has revealed she fit two weeks’ worth of outfits into just two days when she was forced to cut short the press trip for her latest film ‘Age of Adaline’.

Blake Lively wore two weeks’ worth of outfits in just two days.

The 27-year-old actress – who is currently promoting her latest film ‘The Age of Adaline’ – has revealed she had to fit all of the outfits she’d picked out for the press tour into just 48 hours because having a baby meant she had to cut the trip short.

Blake – who has a four-month-old daughter James with her husband Ryan Reynolds – said: ”Once upon a time, this was supposed to be a two-week press trip. But then life happened, and I had a baby, and suddenly I needed to condense two weeks of promotional appearances into two days. Serious: two days. So I changed the timeline, just not the wardrobe.”

The blonde beauty wore a whopping 11 outfits in just one day while attending photocalls and interviews for the movie as she didn’t want the effort she put into picking them out to go to waste.

She told PEOPLE magazine: ”I started planning for this back in February. I selected easily over 500 looks from, various runways and even some past collections. I wound up calling in 256 outfits.

”If I had a stylist I’d just book one whole day of fittings, but instead I had to cram it in wherever I could. And in the end, I couldn’t even do all of it.”

Luckily Blake’s sister Robyn Lively, 43, came to the rescue and agreed to help the Hollywood starlet.

Blake added: ”My sister is the same size as I am, so I said to her, ‘Okay, you’re my fit model now! You try on half, and I’ll try on half! Go!’ If it looked good on her, I just assumed it would look good on me. So some of the stuff I’d never really tried on myself!”