
Bon Jovi Getting Back to Their Roots

For their new album, the band Bon Jovi is getting back to the basics.

According to guitarist Richie Sambora, the next Bon Jovi album will mark a return to the band’s origins, reports Rolling Stone.
The musician said, “It’s back to rock & roll for us, man. Jon and I had a wonderful time making it. Very proud of it – just getting down to mixing it right now. We hit a very prolific period in our songwriting.”
Sambora also revealed that the band was also thinking of putting together a compilation album of their greatest hits, but later decided against it.  He explained, “We started having so much fun making this record, that we decided we would do a studio album first. It sounds fresh – I think we reinvented ourselves again.”
The new Bon Jovi album, which is yet-untitled, should be released in November.