
Bono was locked in a café during the Bastille Day attack

Bono was locked in a café in Nice during the attack on Bastille Day and was forced to hide for half an hour before being rescued by anti-terror police.

Bono was locked in a café during the attack on Bastille Day.

The 56-year-old musician – whose real name is Paul Hewson – was dining with friends in La Petite Maison in Nice, France, on Thursday (14.07.16) when the devastating massacre took place on the Promenade des Anglais, and he was instructed by restaurant owner Anne-Laure Rubi to hide for half an hour whilst the restaurant barricaded its doors and windows, according to La Parisienne magazine.

The U2 lead singer was trapped inside the building alongside the former mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, and chef Alain Ducasse, until police cleared the area.

The ‘With or Without You’ hitmaker was escorted from the premises with his hands on his head, along with other restaurant-goers.

However, this is not the first time the Irish star has been close to a terror attack.

In November last year Bono and his band mates – who were preparing to grace the stage at the AccorHotels Arena – were merely a few miles away from the terror attack at the Eagles of Death Metal concert in the Bataclan theatre in Paris, which saw 130 civilians killed.

And Bono prayed with the group’s Jesse Hughes "for three or four days" after the terrorist attack at the gig.

Speaking previously, Jesse said: "Without a word, Bono sent me a phone five hours after the shooting started, so I could call my mom.

"I called to say thanks and the next three or four days, he called me, to check on me and pray with me."

The group later returned to the city for what Jesse admitted was the "most important" gig they had ever played.

He said: "This is probably the most important show I’ll ever play. It’s weird, because normally they’re not important, they’re just fun.

"But it turns out, fun is important. Those motherf***ers wanted to snuff out rock and roll and we’re not letting that happen."