
Botox blocks emotional reactions

Facial expressions are closely related to our emotional reactions.

It has long been known that people who use Botox are unable to show their emotions on their face.

Now we learn that they have difficulty responding emotionally as well. A new study says that Botox can affect a woman’s ability to feel.

The MailOnline mentions that this reinforces the theory that facial expressions affect our mood. Thus, for example, a person is happier when she smiles. Botox smoothes out wrinkles but prevents the movement of certain muscles.

68 women participated in the research. Half received Botox and the other half Restylane (which does not affect facial muscles). None of the women knew which kind of treatment they received.

All the women were asked to watch short video clips before the treatment and their reactions were measured. They watched the same videos  two to three weeks after receiving the injection. Those who had the Botox had a decreased reacted than before.

Researchers explain that anyone who has had Botox can react to a sad movie. However, since there is less facial muscle movement, the brain receives less information which reduces the strength of the reaction.