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Bradley Cooper and Gigi Hadid: A serious love affair?

Bradley Cooper and Gigi Hadid form a captivating Hollywood duo. Their relationship, which began last autumn, is the subject of widespread fascination. Recently, significant progress has been noted, with the couple openly discussing their future, suggesting that their bond runs deeper than mere fleeting flings.

The actor’s recent purchase of a home has fueled speculation of a deeper engagement with Gigi… given its proximity to the model’s home!

According to a source reported by Closer magazine, Bradley Cooper is about to pop the big question (!), reflecting his love and belief that he’s hit the jackpot.

The couple reportedly share common interests and enjoy discussing friends, family, parenthood, and life. According to one source, their strong connection is based on open and honest communication. The lovers have also reportedly won the approval of their families, strengthening their relationship.

When things are going well…

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Despite busy careers, the couple reportedly spend a lot of time together, often spotted on walks around New York. Their outings lead to romantic scenes around town…

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…a real romantic comedy!

So, Bradley and Gigi, can we believe it?