
Breastfeeding helps mother bond with baby

Study finds mothers who breastfeed more emotionally bonded within the first few months.

Mothers who breastfeed exclusively instead of feeding their infants formula are more likely to bond emotionally with their child during the first few months of life, according to a new study published in The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

Researchers at Yale University recruited 17 mothers with healthy infants, dividing them into two groups based upon whether the children were breastfed or bottle-fed after delivery.

Using an fMRI machine to study reactions in the brain, the researchers had the mothers listen to both their own infant’s cry and that of a control baby. Mothers who breastfed exclusively showed more brain activity when hearing their own children cry, compared to the mothers who fed their babies with formula only.

"It is important for loved ones to support mothers and help them cope with challenges related to breastfeeding and parenting during this period," explained lead researcher Dr. Pilyoung Kim.

"Mothers unable to breastfeed may benefit from extra encouragement to engage in sensitive, caring interactions with baby."