
Britney Spears’ Boyfriend Reveals Personal Information

Britney Spears’ paparazzi boyfriend, Adnan Ghalib, revealed some messages left by the star in his voice mail.

Although Ghalib firmly stated that he was not dating Spears with the goal of obtaining exclusive information about the star, he let Entertainment Tonight listen to a few messages left by the star.

In one message, Spears calls Ghalib "Aiden" and spoke with a British accent. This behaviour seemed rather normal for Ghalib.

Ghalib stated, "I’m sure you do the same things sometimes where you’re away for the day or you know you aren’t gonna see someone for the remainder of the day, and you just want to hear their voice."
Recently Ghalib was accused of using Spears to get information and photos that he gave to his agency, FinalPixx.