
Britney Spears Displays Her Love

Britney Spears tried to put an end to the rumours that her relationship was in difficulty.  As the rumours were escalating, Spears did a display of her love for her husband on the official website.

The star published a message addressed to her husband Kevin Federline for Valentine’s Day.

"I fall more and more in love with Kevin every day," she wrote. "We’ve been away from each other for a week now and I think I’m losing my mind! It’s the longest we’ve been apart from one another."

Spears added that her husband’s busy schedule had been the reason for this separation.

She further revealed that she had spent the last little few days at her family’s home in Kentwood, Louisiana with her mother.  During this time, Federline did a photo shoot for the next issue of the magazine Details.

"The pictures are so hot!" Spears bragged. "Stay away girls!"   The shots can be seen in the March issue.