
Britney Spears Fighting for Her Children

Singer Britney Spears went to court yesterday to request more hours of visitation with her children.

The pop star spoke in a soft and respectful voice when she addressed  herself to the judge. She requested that he loosen up the rules regarding the visitation with her two boys.

After a 45 minute discussion, the singer came out of the courtroom looking rather serene. She won part of what she was asking for, she can now see her boys for two consecutive days under supervision, each week.

Ideally, the singer would like to have joint custody with the children’s father, Kevin Federline.

Federline accepted the judge’s decision. On October 1. Spears, 25, lost custody of her two children, who were handed over to their father, Kevin Federline. Prior to this date the two parents shared custody of Sean Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1.