
Britney Spears Pays Federline’s Legal Fees

Britney Spears was ordered to pay her ex-husband’s legal fees in the amount of $120 000.

According to papers obtained through the court by Access Hollywood, Federline requested that Spears pay $160 000 in legal fees on October 10.

When Federline filed out a form with his expenses and income, he indicated that he was a contractual employee since he is an artist artist, and did not have any income at this time.

Federline has paid $31 900 to his lawyer’s thus far, and it is estimated he will pay another $154 500.

The Judge Scott Gordon decided that Spears would pay $120 000 because of the huge discrepancy between the incomes of the two parties. The judge also noted that the reason for much of the legal dispute had to do with Spears’ behaviour.