
Britney Spears Speaks of Pregnancy

Pop singer Britney Spears admits that she and husband, Kevin Federline, didn’t plan baby number two.

Bringing new meaning to her song "Baby One More Time", Spears said of the pregnancy, "It just kind of happened," in an interview with People magazine.

The 24 year-old star is now eight months along in her second pregnancy, and she added, "I’m going to wait a while for the next (one)! 

Spears told television’s David Letterman, "I feel like I’ve been pregnant for 10 years!"

Britney added that she knows that two babies so close in age can be very stressful, and she says she sticks to her mother’s advice of, "one day at a time."

Spears and Federline do not know the sex of their next child.  The pop singer adds that she has gained a lot of weight with the pregnancy, and that she still has plenty of cravings.  She added, "I’ll get up in the middle of the night and I’ll get a Hershey’s bar, the real big ones, and I’ll put it in the microwave and melt it and eat it. It sounds disgusting, but it’s so satisfying."