
Britney Spears Still Loves Adnan

Britney Spears still thinks about her former boyfriend, Adnan Ghalib, even though she has no contact with him.

Although Britney seems to be regaining control of her life, FOX News reports that the singer is not completely happy.
The star, who is still under her father’s reign, has gone through a lot of change in the past few years.  Despite the fact that her career is once again headed in the right direction, an inside source says that Britney is still devastated over her breakup with Adnan Ghalib.  Ghalib is a photographer that Spears dated for a few months.
In July, Jamie Spears, the star’s father, obtained a restraining order against Ghalib, preventing him from approaching or contacting Britney.  The source revealed, "It is really breaking Britney’s heart. She is still totally in love with Adnan and she can’t even speak too him, it’s making her really depressed."