
Britney Spears Tired of Being Controlled

Britney Spears allegedly feels like a prisoner in her own life under her father’s reign.

According to the latest buzz, Britney Spears has had enough of her father, Jamie, controlling every aspect of her life.

The singer’s former manager, Sam Lutfi, who is on a court-ordered restraining order to stay away from her, says that Spears has been looking for a new attorney. According to him, her father’s overbearing influence has caused her psychological distress.

Sam Lutfi’s younger sister, Christina, testified in front of the Los Angeles Superior Court, explaining, "Britney told me she wanted to get a hold of Sam. She wanted him to help her find a lawyer, and wanted someone to get a prepaid cell phone to her." The young woman secretly met with the singer at the Beverly Hills Hotel to have a conversation with Lutfi over the phone.

However, Jamie Spears’ attorney, Blair Berk, claims the contrary, saying Britney is glad that her father has taken control and wants nothing to do with Lutfi.