
Britney tells tabloids to cut it out

Britney Spears denies rumours she is hurting herself.

Orange News reports that Britney Spears is responding to tabloids that speculate she is deliberating hurting herself.

Some American tabloids, National Enquirer and The Globe, reported that the pop super star is into self mutilation. Their evidence is a nasty looking bruise on her arm. The National Enquirer report is entitled Britney’s Self Mutilation Nightmare and says, "Britney Spears has been hurting herself for some time…" For its part, The Globe piece is entitled New Fears for Britney Spears and says, "Mysterious bruise worries fans."

Her camp says that she fell down the stairs but a heroic security guard caught her at the last moment to prevent serious injury.

Britney Spears asked the webmaster of her official website to issue a general alert about these rumours. The page is called BS Alert! National Enquirer and The Globe. Fans can see the two tabloids in question and look at the photos the gossip rags present as proof.