
Britney’s Brood Learns Bad Words

Both of Britney Spears’ sons have learned the art of using four-letter words.

According to the New York Daily News, the singer’s boys, Sean Preston and Jayden James, tend to use foul language.

During a public event the 27-year-old star attended with her children, the boys would not stop swearing in public, much to the oblivion of their mother. "She was too busy picking out freebies to chastise the boys for misbehaving. We were all surprised by their potty mouths (swearing), but it was actually pretty funny," said a witness.

However, Britney contends that she is not to blame for her children’s undesirable vocabulary, but rather her ex-hubby Kevin Federline. "(The boys) are starting to learn words like stupid, and Preston says the f-word now sometimes. He doesn’t get it from us. He must get it from his daddy. I say it, but not around my kids," she explained.