
Britons want Queen to take it easy

Britons think Queen Elizabeth should start taking things easier and lighten her workload, a new poll has found.

Britons think Queen Elizabeth should start taking things easier, a new poll has found.

The 86-year-old British monarch should lighten up her schedule, according to 69 per cent of people polled in the survey on attitudes toward the monarchy.

Seventy five per cent of respondents said they felt the queen is doing a great job 60 years into her reign while 80 per cent said they would like to see more of her grandson, Prince William, who is third in line to the throne.

BBC Royal Correspondent Nicholas Witchell said he does not expect the queen to abdicate or give up many of her duties, despite recently being hospitalised.

He said: ”Her recent brush with gastroenteritis has reminded us that even the most robust constitution cannot be immune to illness.

”She will never retire – that’s one point on which we can be absolutely categoric – but after 61 years on the throne, one senses there is an acceptance of the need to lighten the load a little, both for her own sake and her husband’s [The Duke of Edinburgh].”

Despite her recent illness, the queen’s friend Lady Anne Glenconner says she is back to being in rude health and doesn’t feel she needs to cut back.

Anne told Hello! magazine: ”She is absolutely able to fulfill her duties. I have seen images of her since she left hospital and she looks as wonderful as ever.

”She is full of energy and optimism and I am sure she will bounce back.”