
Bronx not injured in accident

Pete Wentz and Ashlee Simpson’s son is in a minor traffic accident.

The one and a half year old son of Pete Wentz and Ashlee Simpson was in a minor traffic accident yesterday (May 18) in Los Angeles, People magazine reports.

Wentz rushed to check on his son to make sure he was alright. The boy was with his nanny when the accident took place in Cold Water Canyon.

Without providing any details about the accident, a spokesperson for the couple said, "It was a minor fender-bender, and everyone is fine."

Several hours later, Pete Wentz sent a message to fans on his Twitter page. He wrote: "Thanks you guys for your concern. no one was hurt in the car accident and bx is currently back to building forts and hiding dads cellphone."

Last February, a message Wentz left on Twitter led fans to believe that the future of his band, Fall Out Boy, was in danger. He said the group was taking a break and the break could become permanent. No other details about the band’s status have been given since that time.