
Brooke Mueller in rehab?

Brooke Mueller is in a rehab centre but is not being treated for any addiction.

Entertainment Tonight says that Charlie Sheen’s wife, Brooke Mueller, is being treated at the Two Dreams Outer Banks rehab centre in North Carolina.
Mueller recently got out of hospital after being treated for pneumonia. There is still a protective order against her husband in place after an alleged domestic violence incident.
Sources confirm that Mueller is at the Two Dreams centre but her lawyer, Yale Galanter, denies she is being treated for addiction, "She is in North Carolina with her mom for some R and R pursuant to doctors orders. She is still recovering from her recent infection and pneumonia."
However, Mueller’s stepfather, John Fiore, reveals that his stepdaughter is in therapy because "she is recognizing that she needs help and she can’t do it on her own."
Fiore clarifies that the term "rehab centre" does not apply to Mueller’s case. "She is there. But it’s a recovery place, and it is in a resort setting and the picture I’d like to paint more is that she’s seeking help she wants to, she’s dealing with this."