
Bruce Willis in Oliver Stone Film

Oliver Stone is just finishing talks with United Artists to finance his next movie, Pinkville.

Pinkville is a movie about the massacre of My Lai in Vietnam, in 1968.  The movie will be starring Bruce Willis and Channing Tatum.  The screenplay is written by Mikko Alanne. 

If an agreement is reached with United Artists, the project will begin shooting next year with a $40 million budget.

It is the fourth movie that Stone is doing that touches on the Vietnam war.  His former movies included, Platoon, Heaven & Earth and Born on the Fourth of July.

Willis will play the army General  William R. Peers, who supervised the inquiry of the massacre of hundreds of villagers in My Lai, Vietnam.

Tatum will play Hugh Thompson, a helicopter pilot who saves many villagers by placing his helicopter in the lne of fire.

Pinkville is the name for the region of My Lai on a military map.