
Buckling kids up properly in vehicles

A lot of children are badly buckled in or not at all.

A road safety survey done in Europe by the Prevention routière association shows that too many children are not buckled properly in cars. In fact, eight out of ten children are not properly secured. 39% of them are poorly attached and 9% are simply not attached at all.

Many parents do not attach their children during short trips. This is surprising considering that 40% of fatal road accidents occur while people are travelling short distances.

The Bébé Confort brand in France, in collaboration with Prevention routière, is concerned about the situation and wants to help families better protect themselves. The company has launched the Family line that comes with a base control. If the child is poorly attached, a beep will sound and a light will flash.

Remember that all passengers and the driver must be properly secured in a vehicle. You should never attach the seatbelt under the arm because, in case of impact, it could cause serious injury which could even prove fatal.