
Burt Bacharach sued by dog sitter for alleged finger injuries

Burt Bacharach is being sued by dog sitter Joel Gayner who claims the singer’s Portuguese Water Dog Alfie seriously injured two fingers on his left hand by biting him.

Burt Bacharach is being sued by a dog sitter who claims his pet pooch bit and seriously injured two of his fingers.

Joel Gayner has claimed he volunteered to take care of Portuguese Water Dog Alfie but he was left badly hurt after he saved the mutt from choking on a plastic bone.

According to, Joel woke up early one morning to discover the canine was gasping for air and urinating everywhere due to the chew toy getting stuck in his throat but he was able to dislodge the bone by pressing on the animal’s chest and massaging Alfie’s esophagus and up the windpipe before the broken pieces of plastic bone came out of Alfie’s mouth within a pool of thick mucus and saliva.

However, his rescue was unappreciated as just minutes later when he went to stroke the recovering dog he snapped and bit down on his left hand inflicting injuries so bad he needed his middle finger reattached with surgery, while his index digit was so badly mauled he had to have skin grafted from his groin and placed on his finger to heal the wounds.

Joel, 73, says he has no feeling in some parts of his fingers and he is now suing ‘Do You Know the Way to San Jose’ songwriter Burt for his medical expenses and unspecified damages.